Wednesday 1 February 2023

Starting things off - About the DigiCam Den

Most Blogs and Reviews about Photography feature the person's Real Life name as a branding.  Such as "John Smith Photography".  This doesn't fit me, and I wanted a place where I could bridge the gap between my two lives as it were (my "Real" life and my lesser known internet presence and Aliases). Wracking my brain for ideas I came up with a combination of two themes that encompass some aspects of my other interests and communities while still being relatable to the general public.  And so North Wolf Photography and the DigiCam Den were born.

I tend to be a fairly private person online, often using nick names and aliases instead of my Real Life name.  While I don't mind my given name, it just sometimes doesn't feel like me. I also tend to be the person behind the camera NOT in front of the camera so yes, unless you know me in the real world or I choose to share my face for a specific reason that photo of a plush wolf with a camera I took back when I was first getting into Photography is what I'm going to hide behind.

I'm a person who lives in two places in the "Real World" with one set of Friends, my Family and Professional life.  And on the other mask if you will is a different community of friends who mostly know me by one particular interest and address me by my Alias name rather then my Real Name most of the time.

Social Media is a place where I had a hard time to merge these two interests.  I gave up on Facebook years and years ago and Twitter let's just say I live behind a mask there of a certain aspect of my interests that I know a lot of people will not understand.  And for what its worth with everything happening with Twitter I'm not sure how long that's going to be around anyway.

So its time I went back to my roots. I'm old enough to remember a time before Facebook and Twitter and even MySpace.  Back in the days of LiveJournal (which I won't go back to for well... Political reasons I won't get into). But this seems a viable alternative for that Retro Social Media feel in a space where I can type as much as I want and share with whomever I want.

I get nervous in front of a mic but I can type for days, so starting a Vlog on Youtube as much as I'd think its fun is not going to happen, also see the note above about not being super crazy about having my Real Life face out there for all to see every week either.

So enter the world of Blogging.  Its nothing new but just like some of my cameras old retro things can be quite functional and sometimes work even better then the hip new tiktok, tumblr or Instagram trends.  I'm too old and grumpy to keep up with kids these days.

It's time to go back to Old School Blogging.  On a subject that is a common interest and passion for me regardless of where you know me. I have a lot of knowledge and experience to share for those who are willing to read more then 250 characters and listen to me.

My current challenge is to shoot a camera a week for a year. 52 cameras ranging from cheap pocket cameras from the early 2000's I found at Goodwill to more modern DSLRs and Mirrorless cameras.

 Believe it or not I own almost enough cameras to do this on my own, and a few I either plan on picking up for cheap or loaning from friends will fill in that gap.  I have four cameras I have already shot that I need to catch up on- but its fresh enough on my mind it will be easy to do.

So with all that said Welcome to the DigiCam Den! 

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